Wednesday Thoughts | Nourishing and Depleting Activities

I did an exercise on my MBSR course (mindfulness-based stress reduction) it has really stuck with me, helping me make wiser decisions when it comes to my time.

❗️Reminder, do this activity with curiosity and a non-judgemental attitude.

1. Write down what your every day looks like, you might like to break it down by hours.

7am wake up.
7:15 coffee
7:15-7:45 Social media and news scroll
7:45am walk dog

2. Next to each activity mark it with D if it’s depleting. Does it drain your energy?

3. Next mark activities on your day with N if you find them nourishing.

Reflection Time:

You may find there activities that on the surface level appear to be nourishing or restful, but really they are depleting!

The first time I did this exercise, the majority of my list was depleting. Scrolling on social media, watching Netflix in the evening, even my daily walk with Coco was depleting as my mind would be consumed with the to-do list and planning.

Some depleting activities on your list will be non-negotiable: work, household chores, family responsibilities etc. However some of these may be less draining with a change in approach. My daily dog walk is a now an opportunity to practice mindfulness, to leave the phone at home and take in the beauty around me. Cleaning is an opportunity to listen to my favourite podcast.

Then looking at the activities that are nourishing, if there aren’t many that’s ok, this is the area you can make the changes! My half-hour social media scroll with my coffee in the morning switched to reading a book.

This exercise isn’t about finding more time in your day to do things, it’s not about being busy! It’s about small shifts in the way you approach what you do and ensuring the things you do to rest or nourish yourself are actually serving you.


This is not a Monday Motivational Quote Post


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