Terms and Conditions - Wild Hikes Finland
Cancellation Fees
We understand that things crop up and you may need to cancel:
Due to the limited number of spots available, we ask that you book in only if you can make your chosen date. Booking and then canceling means others will miss out on the opportunity to join.
The cancellation will only be effective from the date that the cancellation is received in writing by email. Cancellation charges will be payable as follows:
Cancellation fee of 100% is charged if cancelled 44 days or less before the trip
Cancellation fee of 30% is charged if cancelled 45 days or more before the trip
Cancellations due to COVID
If you are unable to attend because you have tested positive, our normal cancellation policies apply as above.
You are strongly advised to have the appropriate travel insurance at the time of booking.
Refunds are not available in all instances of cancellation due to injury or illness including Covid-19.
We do not offer rescheduling on our European trips. If you are unable to attend the date you booked, you will need to cancel your booking. Cancellation will only be effective from the date that the cancellation is received in writing by email. Cancellation charges will be payable as follows:
Cancellation fee of 100% is charged if canceled 44 days or less before the trip
Cancellation fee of 30% is charged if canceled 45 days or more before the trip
Booking confirmation
Please check the booking confirmation carefully and inform the tour operator immediately of any mistakes (dates etc.). If the tour operator is not informed, the passenger will be considered responsible for the mistake.
Travel insurance
It is essential and highly recommended, in certain programs a prerequisite, that a passenger is covered by an adequate travel insurance.
Delayed/cancelled flights
Wild Hikes Finland is not in a position to offer a passenger any assistance in the event of delay at the outward or homeward point of departure. The airline concerned will be responsible for a passenger in the event of flight cancellation or delays.
Wild Hikes Finland will always follow good business practices and the terms and conditions as stated in the general terms for package tours as negotiated between the association of Finnish travel agents and consumer ombudsman on 30.6.2009.
Should there be such a disagreement between Wild Hikes Finland and a customer that no other agreement cannot be reached with any other means, the matter will always be settled in the Finnish court.