Terms and Conditions - Venabu
1. Venabu Fjellhotell
All tours are operated by Venabu Fjellhotell, referred to in this document as Venabu Fjellhotell, ‘us’ or ‘we’. Venabu Fjellhotell is registered in the Brønnøysund Register with organization number 932096781.
2. Your financial protection
Venabu Fjellhotell complies with Norwegian Law, Pakkereiseloven, relating to package tours and travel guarantees. Venabu Fjellhotell complies with the Norwegian Travel Guarantee Fund, Reisegarantifondet, rgf.no.
3. About these terms and conditions
All tours are sold subject to the Terms and Conditions set out below. The clauses below and the information provided in the detailed itinerary constitute the terms and conditions of your contract with us. If Venabu Fjellhotell provides information about changes to the tour before the trip is purchased, this corrected information will replace the corresponding items in the itinerary.
4. Alterations by us
Venabu Fjellhotell plans tours that are sometimes affected by sudden and unpredictable changes. This means that we may have to change our itineraries at short notice. If possible, we will inform you of such changes before you enter into a contract with us. If the need to make changes arises after a trip has been booked we will do our best to supply an itinerary that matches the original one as closely as possible and within the same price range and we will inform you as soon as is reasonably possible. This uncertainty is part of the ‘package’ we offer. We reserve the right to make certain changes as part of the contract and we will respect your rights defined in the Package Tours Act, Pakkereiseloven, if the changes to the trip are deemed to constitute a lack of conformity in the performance of the package travel contract.
5. Unavoidable Occurrences (force majeure)
Venabu Fjellhotell does not accept liability for the consequences of war, threat of war, riots, civil disturbances, industrial disputes, actual or threatened terrorist activity and its consequences, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, epidemics, health risks and pandemics, acts of God, unavoidable and unforeseeable technical problems with transport for reasons beyond our control or that of our suppliers, closed or congested airports or ports, hurricanes and other actual or potential adverse weather conditions, and any other similar events. If such occurrences cause Venabu Fjellhotell to have to cancel an activity we will endeavour to offer an alternative, but accept no liability for return of fees paid prior to cancellation or curtailment.
Advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to avoid or leave a particular country may constitute ‘Force Majeure’ or an unavoidable and extraordinary circumstance.
6. Itinerary
Every effort will be made to adhere to the original itinerary for the trip but changes may occur to both travel and guiding itineraries due to external factors beyond our control. In particular, the tour guide has entire discretion to alter programmes at any time in the interests of client safety, mountain or weather conditions. In the event that changes are made to the itinerary any extra costs will be met by the client.
6. Prices
Venabu Fjellhotell reserves the right to adjust prices in accordance with changes in the underlying tour costs and governmental taxes. We will notify you of price increases no later than 20 days before the departure date. If the price increases by more than 10% of the agreed purchase price, you have the right to withdraw from the contract at no cost to you.
7. Third Party Providers
Venabu Fjellhotell has researched to the best of its ability the practice of the providers of activities, accommodation and transport it utilises. In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, accident or event due to the actions of a third party Venabu Fjellhotell shall not be held liable.
Your Responsibilities
8. Insurance
You are obliged to take out satisfactory medical and accident insurance that must also cover repatriation if necessary. You are responsible for ensuring insurance cover is adequate for the particular needs of your chosen activity, for example, if you are booking a ski safari it is your responsibility to ensure that your insurance covers Nordic offtrack skiing. If you book a riding holiday, it is your responsibility to make sure that your insurance covers horse activities and horseback riding in the mountains.
You must bring all insurance documentation with you at the time of the activity (paper or electronic).
9. Preparation: Fitness and equipment
Some of our trips are physically and technically challenging. Therefore, you must have a level of fitness and skill appropriate to the tour. A description of the activity grades can be found in the tour programs on our website. If your fitness or skill level does not meet the minimum requirements to engage in an activity or if that becomes apparent during an activity, we reserve the right to ask you to discontinue your participation. In this situation there will be no refund for the remainder of the trip.
On booking we will send you information about equipment and you must come suitably equipped. If you book on behalf of your party then you are responsible for ensuring that all party members have read all pre-departure information.
10. Medical care
By booking an activity you (and, in the case of a group booking, all other members of your group) attest to being in good medical health and able to participate in the chosen activity. If you suffer from a medical condition that may affect your participation you must provide a medical certificate from your doctor stating that he/she believes you may safely undertake the activity you have booked at the time of making the booking itself.
11. Acceptance of Risk
Please note that our trips involve a risk of hazardous situations and accidents. As a client, you must accept that you participate at your own risk. You accept that the activities in our tours carry a danger of death or serious injury and that delays and alterations and resulting discomfort are possible in mountainous regions.
Our tour guides operate to high professional standards and have experience of the destinations and their instructions must be obeyed. The tour guides or Venabu Fjellhotell cannot be held responsible for any accidents or discomfort that may nevertheless occur.
12. Duty of Care
12.1 By booking you agree to abide by instructions and decisions made by the tour guide. We reserve the right to exclude individuals from an activity on the grounds of health or safety. Any individuals so excluded are not entitled to a refund. Any individual contravening the decisions or advice of the tour guide, or undertaking independent activities not authorised during the activity, relinquishes the protection and duty of care of the person leading the activity for Venabu Fjellhotell.
12.2 You are obliged to comply with the rules and regulations stipulated by the authorities or the tour operator’s representatives, including any rules of conduct stipulated by individual carriers etc.
12.3 You must not act in such a manner that you are a nuisance to staff, guides and your fellow travellers. If you grossly neglect your responsibilities and obligations, you may be denied participation in or excluded from the rest of the trip without being entitled to a refund from Venabu Fjellhotell. If you are excluded after starting the trip, you may have to cover the costs of your return journey. You are liable for any damages to Venabu Fjellhotell. In the event of any damage or loss of loan or hire equipment you will be responsible for repair or replacement.
13. Leaving a tour
It is understood that if you decide to voluntarily leave an activity we shall not be held liable for your safety, well being or costs incurred following your departure from an activity.
14. Complaints
If you have a complaint about the service you receive at any point during the activity please notify us as soon as possible to give us the opportunity to resolve the situation to a mutual agreement. If the complaint is unresolved to your satisfaction during the trip you should detail your complaint in writing within 28 days. Disputes are regulated by Norwegian law.
15. Rights relating to text and use of photographs
In connection with some of our activities, we may publish text, video and images on venabu.no, venabustallen.no and social media. We also make active use of such photos, video and text in our marketing communications. These photos and video may be used in different media. By participating in our activities, you agree that we use images of you in these media.
16. Cancellations
If you need to cancel, the cancellation will only be effective from the date that the cancellation is received in writing by email. Cancellation charges will be payable as follows:
Cancellation fee of 100% is charged if cancelled 44 days or less before the trip
Cancellation fee of 30% is charged if cancelled 45 days or more before the trip
These terms and conditions apply to all activity and package bookings made with Venabu Fjellhotell as of 06.07.23.